Berena is of high integrity and great love. Her ability and desire to heal are readily felt the moment you come in contact with her. Every session with Berena leaves me in total bliss and peace. Her intuitiveness in knowing just what the body needs is a great blessing to...
Hi Berena
I wanted to let you know how blessed I am to have you offer your services here at Lightworkers Sanctuary. You are very skilled, knowledgable and intuitive in all you do. You have helped me tremendously with healing everything from my frozen shoulder to my stuffy sinus's. All...
Stained Glass Unlimited
Berena is a gifted healer, filled with pure unconditional love, compassion, and wisdom. Her knowledge spans over many healing modalities, and she has a knowing of how to blend them together. Healings by Berena always leave me in awe. She is truly Blessed by Source, The Divine One. She has...
Priscilla Galvan
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