
I have been more than blessed to have the gifted, Berena Wise cross my path. Berena has a broad understanding and control of energy fields, ancient native shamanic knowledge, Egyptian Sekhem healing techniques, Reiki, sound vibrational healing and crystal healing as well as cutting edge techniques with quantum tools. She comes with an extensive medicine bag, providing her clients with phenomenal results. As a Healer, she is able to cross barriers of present and past lives, and all those stations in between, etherically, inter-dimensionally, extra- dimensionally and wherever souls have traveled; There are no boundaries for her healing abilities. Her unconditional love allows her to walk with the Angels and Masters with her healing gifts.

I recommend Berena with all my heart and love as she is truly an exceptional Healer and we are blessed to share this space with her.

Don't hesitate to experience the wondrous healing gifts of Berena. Many feel that she leaves a sprinkling of love and fairy dust on everyone she meets! Appointments now being booked at her new office: 727-492-3848.


Berena is one of the most remarkable energy healers I have met. Her connection and communication with the Divine and others that she calls upon is amazing. She is so intuitive about what you need and designs a custom-made healing treatment just for you. She has several clients but she makes you feel like you're the only one. I realize that we all have blockages in our meridians and chakras on all levels that can lead to dis-ease. She is able to sense and find these blockages and goes about clearing and balancing thus enabling the body to heal itself. As an example, during a treatment when she was doing hands-on therapy I just started crying. It so surprised me because I was so relaxed. At the end of the session she said that she had felt my heart "release". That was why I cried. She had no previous knowledge that I had been told in the past that my heart chakra was weak and /or closed. She had found a great blockage!
I absolutely love Acutonics! It is hard to describe how the vibrations of the tuning forks make me feel. With each treatment I think my body is resonating more and more with them bringing me closer to a healthy state. I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet- a side effect of chemo from 5 years ago. My feet are slowly feeling more vibration from the forks. The forks put me in a relaxed state (I melt into the table LOL). It's like the way a massage feels.
I enjoy the addition of crystals and Egyptian healing rods. I find that I am becoming more sensitive and open to their energy. The aromatherapy is new to me but I love it, too.

I will continue to take treatments because I know she is helping me to heal. I knew it from the first treatment. As confirmation of this I must tell this story. It was after I had just finished my second session and during the spring fair at the Sanctuary. An artist, who sees and draws auras, did one of me. As soon as I sat down she looked at me and said that I was surrounded by green. She said that green means healing or that I was in the process of healing. She had no idea that I had just finished a session with Berena.

Berena creates a quiet, private and safe place for her sessions and I eagerly look forward to each one.

Lana Leiner

Wichita Falls, TX

Berena is a gifted healer, filled with pure unconditional love, compassion, and wisdom. Her knowledge spans over many healing modalities, and she has a knowing of how to blend them together. Healings by Berena always leave me in awe. She is truly Blessed by Source, The Divine One. She has a pure heart and soul and I am so
Blessed to know her. Her healings are very powerful and beautiful. Thank you Berena for your Divine spirit and love. Thank you so much for facilitating my own healing path. I am Blessed.

Priscilla Galvan

Hi Berena
I wanted to let you know how blessed I am to have you offer your services here at Lightworkers Sanctuary. You are very skilled, knowledgable and intuitive in all you do. You have helped me tremendously with healing everything from my frozen shoulder to my stuffy sinus's. All of your clients always speak wonderful comments about you from first time clients to your regulars. You are a beautiful soul with a loving heart. Thank You
In Love and Light.


Stained Glass Unlimited

Berena is of high integrity and great love. Her ability and desire to heal are readily felt the moment you come in contact with her. Every session with Berena leaves me in total bliss and peace. Her intuitiveness in knowing just what the body needs is a great blessing to all. She is a powerful healer and I recommend her with whole heart as she serves in purity.

Her skillset is endless and she combines multiple healing modalities and her natural abilities to bring you back to a wonderful state of balance. The energies come forth from her so easily and lovingly. When I experience a session with Berena, I am always guaranteed to feel better, relaxed, loved and I NEVER want to leave!

With much love,


After the first Acutonic Vibrational Sound Healing session with Berena, I noticed right off that she has an in-depth understanding of the meridians and the cross meridian system and how they directly associate to the anatomy. Being a body worker myself, I am impressed with the marriage of her knowledge and natural gifts. Her healing gifts have done wonderful things for me.

Rebecca Hall

My name is Wendy H. and I had breast cancer in each of my breasts. I had a Lumpectomy in each of my breasts to remove the breast cancers, lymph nodes removed on each side of my body in the armpit areas, 33 radiation treatments performed on each breast, and am currently taking Tamoxifen. My body sustained an extreme amount of trauma.

Berena not only helped my breast pain but helped my entire body with her various healing methods. My first appointment with Berena was on January 7, 2011 and I went to her two times a week when my health allowed. Currently, I am still going for sessions and my body is still continuing to heal. Thank you, Berena for giving me my life back, and for not giving up on me when I had to cancel or change appointments because of my health. Thanks for all of the encouragement, compassion and kind words that you shared with me.

I highly recommend Berena, and if you want to speak with me directly - please feel free to ask Berena for my phone number and I will gladly answer any questions that you may have. Thank you, Thank you, I cannot say it enough times. What Berena does - WORKS.
This was written on July 6, 2011.

Wendy H.

To Whom It May Concern:

Several months ago, I was introduced to Acutonics by Berena Wise at Lightworker’s Sanctuary. I was not familiar with this practice, but was intrigued by it. I have found it to be very effective in helping me achieve balance both physically and spiritually. While I am on the table receiving my treatment, I am able to visualize myself in the universe. As I hear and feel the vibration of the tuning fork(s), I imagine that I am on the same frequency as that of Source, Creator or God, which ever term one prefers to use. At the end of my treatment, I feel fantastic! I am in alignment and my spirit is always lifted.


Nicole Guerin

The Acutonics treatments I have received from Berena have been amazing! I was new to this kind of treatment, and was totally shocked at how effective it has been for me. Last year, I suffered with a chronic sore throat that was relieved after just one session, and I was a believer after that. If you are experiencing a specific health issue, or are just interested in a balancing and relaxing mind and body experience, I highly recommend giving Berena and Acutonics a try!

-K. Cox

Little Elm, TX

Berena Wise is an extremely gifted healer, who has helped me numerous times to heal and re-balance my body, quickly and effectively. A couple of months ago I walked into a large object (a 1/2 inch thick glass holo screen) and literally gave myself a whiplash doing so (cut my head open etc.) It was going to be several days before I could get in to see my Chiropractor for an adjustment, so I called Berena as soon as I got back into town, and she accommodated me with a healing session. When I walked into her room one shoulder was visibly higher than the other, but when the treatment was completed, I was far more in balance (visibly so!). A couple of sessions, and one NUCCA adjustment later, and I am better than new!

This is just one example of how effectively her Accutonics Sound healing sessions work. Whenever I feel out of balance I know to visit her, for a "tune up". I recommend her highly. The balance the Accutonics effects in my energy system is profound, and allows me to continue to do a very demanding and stressful job, without negative health consequences.

She has also done wonderful things working on Shadow, my dog, who suffers from heartworm induced Congestive Heart failure. When I bring him to visit, he sits down in front of her, and actually cooperates with her, as she places the forks on his arthritic spots, or over his heart and lungs. Truly amazing!


Janine Davis
